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Friday, February 23, 2007

Going to Old Delhi...Spices market

Old Delhi is always busy and is always a race for the rikshaws to carry their passengers to this narrow city.

Old Delhi est tres frequente et pour les rikshaws, c'est toujours une course pour porter leurs passagers dans cette ville qui est tres etroite.

And even it was already 11.30 a.m, there were still a lots of people was sleeping on the road side or at the train station.

Meme qu'il etait deja 11h30 du matin, il y avait encore des gens qui dormaient au bord de la route ou bien a la gare.

But a lots of them started their lifes early in the
morning by selling things in the market. Old Delhi city is devided by a lots of different catagories. This particular one is the one for the spices and vegetables but we still can find different thing too!!

Mais, il y a beaucoup d'entre eux qui commence tot du matin en vendant de multitudes choses au marche. Old Delhi est divise par beaucoup de differentes categories. Celui la (photos) est tres particulier on peut trouver des epices et des legumes et en fait un peu de tout.

So, just choose what you need!

Choisisez ce que vous voulez!

The smell of the spices are all over the place and with the beautiful colours.

L'odeur des epices sont partout et avec beaucoups de differentes couleurs.

And this is one of our favourite photos.

Et cette photo est l'une de nos preferee

Big kiss from NDH
Gros becs de NDH

Thursday, February 15, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY this month goes to my mother Anum Jemali(03 Feb), Sabrina Seiler(13 Feb), Florence Conus(14 Feb), Lili Hirschi(15 Feb), Claudia Durst(19 Feb), Fanny Monod(15 Feb), Mohd. Hamizi Omar(28 Feb) and Beatrice Durst(28 Feb). We wish that you guys will have the happinest, healthy and succed in what ever that you guys are doing. Happy Birthday and big kiss from us in India.

BONNE ANNIVERSAIRE pour ma maman Anum Jemali(03 Feb), Sabrina Seiler(13 Feb), Florence Conus(14 Feb), Lili Hirschi(15 Feb), Claudia Durst(19 Feb), Fanny Monod(15 Feb), Mohd. Hamizi Omar(28 Feb) et Beatrice Durst(28 Feb). Nous vous souhaitons plein de bonheur, une bonne sante et de reussi tout ce que vous entreprenez dans tout ce que vous faites. Bonne Anniversaire et gros becs de nous de l' Inde.

Wednesday 14th Feb, we were at Seiler house to celebrate Sabrina's Birthday. Since Radhika (Sabrina's mother) were quite busy (I guessed)...so, I offered her to make a small pizzas for the kids. Of course, it wasn't me who prepared the pizzas....it was Augustin. He really can make a good pizza!! But the kids ate very little of the pizzas and I can say that the parents were eating most of them. Well, that's fine for me....as long as it finished.

Today, I went to the Sarojini Nagar market to get an aquarium. I guessed that it's a time to start my fish project after all these years. When I met Laurent somewhere in 1998, I had this huge fish in my aquarium until one day I had to get rid of it. We could have eaten the fish....but we couldn't as we saw it everyday in the aquarium. Laurent took it away and gave it to the bangladesh workers who used to work with him. They made a nice red curry with my fish and Laurent ate.......I mean he really ate the fish. Huhuhu..... Poor fish!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome Spring!!

Thursday, I played twice tennis....in the morning against Ponie and her friend and late in the afternoon I played against Laurent for 2 hours. After few months I didn't touch my racket, it was hard to start again and more I had to play two sessions. But it was fun!!

At the end of that day, I couldn't walk anymore and i felt pain every part of my body. Well that's sport...isn't it??

Friday, it was another boring day. Laurent supposed to terminate his job early but as usual he came back late and I went to the wet market that morning to get the fresh vegetables.

Saturday, the sign of spring has arrived. It was raining the whole day and we could forget about our tennis game. The rain has never stopped and the weather was so cold. We decided to stay at home and being lazy once in a while.........felt good.

8.00pm, we had a dinner at Brigitte house. I haven't spoken much with Brigitte but we always said "hello" to each other everytime that we met and with this invitation, it was the opportunity to know each other better then before. Thank you Brigitte!!

Sunday, we read and watched the movies. The weather was still like the day before....colder!! Good Bye winter and see you again next year....Welcome Spring!

Jeudi, j'ai joue deux fois tennis....le matin j'ai joue contre Ponie et sa copine et plus tard dans la journee, j'ai joue contre Laurent pendant 2 heures. Apres quelque mois, je n'ai pas touche ma raquette, c'etait dur de recommencer, en plus deux fois en une journee mais ce fut sympa!!

A la fin de la journee, je n'ai plus pu marcher et j'ai eu mal partout! Alors, c'est du sport...n'est pas??

Vendredi, ce fut une journee ennuyeuse. Laurent devait terminer son travail tot mais comme d'habitude il est revenu tard a la maison. Je suis allee au marche du poisson pour chercher des legumes frais.

Samedi, le signe du printemps est arrive. Il a plu pendant toute la journee....le tennis, nous pouvions oublier. La pluie ne s'arrete pas et il faisait froid!! Nous avons decide de rester a la maison....d'etre paraisseux......de temps en temps, cela nous fait du bien.

20h00, nous avons eu une invitation chez Brigitte. Je la connais a peine mais on s'est dit bonjour quand on s'est vu et avec cette invitation ce fut une opportunite de se connaitre plus. Merci Brigitte!!

Dimanche, nous avons lu....avons regarde les films!! Le climat etait toujours comme le jour avant.....froid! Au revoir l'hiver et a l'annee prochaine et bienvenue au printemps!!

Big kiss from NDH
Gros becs de NDH

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sunday Walk

Sunday, we went to visit a handicraft market which is situated 45 minutes from the Embassy. This market has been organized once a year starting from 1st Febuary and it is fro 2 weeks. We can find a lots of thing that coming from all around India and we just need to have enough money. I guessed that we have spent to much money for the apartment until we didn't feel like we want to buy anything....perhaps next year!!

Later that day, we went to Kak Asmah house at the Malaysian High Commission to have a chat with her and her husband. I also gave her a small package that I need to send to Lukman at Abuja. Between the diplomatic begs, hopefully my package will arrive safely to Abuja.

Monday, I decided to make my driver working a little by bringing me to the market and visiting a friend that I haven't seen for the past few months that I was away.

Today, I went to the DELHI NETWORK meeting to meet people. I could see there is so many new people who just arrived to Delhi registered themselves today. I left a bit early...so that i could start my quilt. In the afternoon...I stayed in the between of the kitchen and my quilt. I tought Augustin to do a fresh lasagne, a fresh tagliatell and of course a mango and lime sorbet.

Ce dimanche, nous sommes alles a un marche d'artisanat qui est situe a 45 minutes de l'ambassade. Le marche est organise chaque annee au mois de fevrier et ceci pour seulement 2 semaines. Nous pouvons trouver tous l'echantionnage de l'art indian et nous n'a besoin que de l'argent pour le depenser. Je pense que nous avons deja beaucoup depenser d'argent pour notre appartement jusqu'a ce que nous n'aillons plus tellement envie d'acheter quoi que ce soit.....peut-etre l'annee prochaine!!

A la fin de cette journee, nous sommes alles chez nos amis malaisiens qui habitent dans l'ambassade de Malasie. Avec Kak Asmah et son mari, nous avons toujours des choses a raconter. Je lui ai donne un petit paquet que je devais envoyer a Abuja chez Lukman. Entre les valises diplomatique, j'espere que mon paquet va arriver a bonne destination.

Lundi, j'ai decide de faire travailler un peu notre chauffeur qui s'endort. Il m'a emmene au marche et ensuite nous sommes alles rendre visite a mon ami que je n'ai pas vu depuis quelques temps.

Aujourd'hui, je suis allee a DELHI NETWORK pour retrouver les amis et certains qui viennent d'arriver a Delhi. Je suis partie un peu plutot que d'habitude car j'avais envie de commencer mon patchwork. L'apres-midi, je suis restee entre la cuisine et le patchwork car j'ai montre a Augustin comment faire de la pate a lasagne fraiche, des tagliatels fraiche et du sorbet a la mangue et au citron.

Big kiss from NDH
Gros becs de NDH