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Friday, October 13, 2006

Swiss Mela 2006

The preparation of Swiss Mela, one way of making charity and it will be held tomorrow 14 Oct at the embassy compound. There will be over 100 stoles to sale foods, handicrafts, from the swiss embassy will be the cheese raclettes and a lots more. Very nice of them to chose just next to our apartment to do the raclettes.I can't imagine the smell of the cheese afterward with hot weather. But it is all right as we won't be here to witness this fiesta of lights. We will have an appoinment at 5.00 o'clock tomorrow morning at Bernhard and Ponie place. Our destination is Amritsar to see a Golden Temple! Out side, people are busy preparing for the Mela and inside the apartment...we are busy to prepare our luggages and sandwiches.

Big kiss from NDH

La preparation de Mela Suisse, c'est une facon de faire de la charite. Il y aura plus de 100 petits stands qui vont vendre de la nourriture, de l'artisanat, et de la part de l'ambassade de Suisse...il y aura de la raclette et encore beaucoup d'autre choses. Le stand raclette se situe juste a cote de notre appartement et on peut imaginer l'odeur du fromage avec le climat qu'il fait ici (36 deg). Mais ca va....nous ne serrons pas la pour temoigner de la fete de la lumiere. Demain, nous avons rendez-vous a 5.00 du matin chez Bernhard et Ponie. Notre destination sera Amritsar dans le nord de l'Inde et nous allons visiter le Temple d'or et le changement de la garde a la frontiere Indo-Pakistanaise. A l'exterieur, les gens sont occupes a preparer la Mela et chez nous, dans notre appartement, nous sommes occupes a faire nos baggages et les sandwiches pour demain.

Gros becs de NDH


Picture from top : The green cupboard, our living room, dining table for 8 persons and coffee-tea table...enough for 10.
Since at the begining of this week, I was kind of busy with my visit to the furnitures antique shops. A lots.....a lots of them and definately will make your eyes falls on the floor. Looking...serching.....and at the end.....buying! I went to make my survey until I found something and in the afternoon I returned to the shops with Laurent. Of course, he is still my boss and I have to wait for his approval then only I can buy. We found few that we like and actually we bought them already. We just have to wait for the deliveries which may take a few days to arrive. We started to look at the furniture due to our apartment in Kuala Lumpur will be ready soon enough from now. I have been visiting three big antique shops in Delhi and for sure we still can find more of them!! INDIAN CRAFT is one of them and it is quite famous among the foreigners and the locals. They can export the furniture if people order it by internet (www.indiamart.com/indiancrafts/) or by emailing direct to icrafts@mantraonline.com.
Big kiss from NDH
Des le debut de cette semaine, je suis tres occupe avec des visites chez les antiquaires. Il y'en a beaucoup a Delhi....il faut seulement prendre le temps pour bien regarder les choses. Les yeux pourraient tomber par terre quand j'ai vu tous ces meubles. Regarder......chercher.....et a la fin....acheter! Je suis alle le matin pour regarder ce qui me plait et l'apres-midi, avec Laurent nous sommes retourne dans ces magasins. Il faut bien que je demande son opinion car il est toujours le patron chez nous et le plus important c'est qu'il donne l'authorisation avant d'acheter. La livraison pourrait durer quelque jours pour qu'ils puissent nettoyer correctement. Nous avons commence a regarder les meubles car notre appartement a Kuala Lumpur est bientot fini. Je suis allee chez trois antiquaires et j'en suis sure, qu'il y'en a encore beaucoup d'autre et que je n'ai pas encore decouvert. INDIAN CRAFTS est un des trois que j'ai rendu visite cette semaine et c'est assez connu parmi les etrangers ainsi que les locaux. Ils peuvent aussi exporter les meubles s'il y a la demande pas l'internet (www.indiamart.com/indiancrafts/) or par email icrafts@mantraonline.com.
Gros becs de NDH

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Parliment House Dlelhi

The sunset is very beautiful in Delhi and we decided to make a tour with the car. There was still a lots of people on the way back to their home. We continued our tour by passing in front of the Delhi Parliment House. We realised that the view was so beautiful and Laurent could take this beautiful picture. This building is situated not far away from where we are staying.

Le couche du soleil est tres joli a Delhi, nous avons decide de faire une promenade avec la voiture. Il y avait encore beaucoup de monde qui etaient stresse de rentrer chez eux. Nous avons continue notre tours et en passant devant le Delhi Parliment House, nous avons realise que le couche du soleil et tres beau et Laurent a reussi de faire cette jolie photo. Cet immeuble est situe pas tres loins de chez nous.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Indian Gate....

At the center of New Delhi stands the 42 m high Indian gate an "Arc-de-Triomphe" like Archway in the middle of a crossroad. Almost similar to its French Counterpart war memorial. It commermorates the 70,000 Indian soldiers who lost their lives fighting for the British Army during the first world war and bears the names of more than 13,516 British and Indian soldiers killed in the Northwestern frontier in the Afghan war of 1919.

The foundation stone was laid by His Royal Highness, the Duke of Connaught in 1921 and was designed by Edwin Lutyens. The monument was dedicated to the nation 10 years later by Viceroy, Lord Irwim. Another memorial, Amar Jawan Jyoti was added much later, after India got its independence. It is the form of a flame that burns day and night under the arch to remind the nation of soldiers who laid down their lives in the Indo-Pakistan war of december 1971.

The entire arch stands on a low base of red Bharatpur stone and rises in stages to a huge molding, bencath, which are inscribed Imperial sons. Above on both sides is inscribed INDIA, flanked by MCM and to the right, XIX. The shallow domed bowl at the top was intended to be filled with burning oil on anniversaries but this is rarely done.

Surrounding the imposing structure is a large expanse of lush green lawn, which is a popular picnic spot. One can see hoards of people moving about the brightly lit area and on the lawns on summer evening. Situated about few kilometres from where we are staying.

Big kiss from NDH

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Na Fish ooooo!!

I went to the fish market today with my cook and he look more excited than me!! For me I had so many questions in my mind and I just didn't want to have a suprise.

When we reached the place....I just saw a lots of street dogs searching something to eat in the rubbish bin (if they really have one). Augustin led me to the small way which was quite dark and smelly. Right after I entered the place....I smiled straight away when I smelled the smell that are quite familier to me....SPICES...!! Its all over the place with very neat arrangment. We walked futher inside the market, the floor were more wet and at the same time the fish smell went through deep into my nose. The shopkeepers were so busy selling their merchandises and some of them called at me and said "madame, do you want a cashewnuts". And others asked me if I want to buy a curry powder. Everytime I just answered back to them, "may be next time, thank you" and gave them a smile. In my mind, I thought strongly about FISH and asked myself, "where are those fish".

About 10 metres ahead of me...there I saw....FISH.....lots...lots of FISH. Eeee..seronoknye aku (too excited until came out the words in malay). Garoupas, Red Snappers, prawns and a lots of other differant type of fish. I could even find my favourite one. Don't want to tell you all, it is the secret..hehehe. Only Lukman and Laurent know which one I'm talking about. I even called Laurent to tell him that he missed something that he liked to see too. And I called my friend Ponie and told her what I just discovered. Ponie and I were looking for the fish market for quite sometime and people told us that is too dangerous to buy fish in summer time. But now, I saw for myself that the fishes are quite fresh. Lalalalala.... Big kiss from NDH

Je suis alle au marche du poisson aujourd'hui avec notre cuisine Augustin. Il etait plus ecxite que moi. J'avais beaucoup de questions dans ma tete et je ne voulais pas avoir l'air d'etre suprise.

Quand nous sommes arrives, j'ai vu beaucoup de chiens qui etaient en train de chercher des trucs a manger dans les poubles (s'il y en a une). Augustin m'a conduit sur un petit chemin qui etait tres sombre et qui pue. Le moment que je suis rentre dans ce marche, j'ai sourit toute de suite...ces odeurs qui sont entre dans mon nez etait tres familie.....LES EPICES....!!! elles etaient partout et bien arrange. Nous avons marche encore un peu plus et j'ai vu que le sol etait mouille et l'odeur du poisson est entre dans mon nez qui n'avait pas de protection. Les epiciers etaient tres occupe a vendre leur merchandises et de temps en temps, ils m'ont regarde et m'appellaient en disant, "madame, vous voulez des noix de cashew" et les autres ont dit, " madame, curry en poudre"? J'e leur ai repondu avec une grande sourie, "non merci, peut-etre la prochaine fois"! Dans ma tete, c'etait claire que j'etait venu ici seulement pour les poissons.

De 10 metres devant moi....j'ai vu.....DES POISSONS.....beaucoup....beaucoup de POISSONS. Eeee..seronoknye aku (suis trop excite jusqu'a ce que les mots en malais sont sorti). Les Garoupas, Les Red snappers, les crevettes et beaucoup de differants types de poissons etaient la. J'ai meme vu mon poisson favorit. Je ne veux pas vous dire car c'est mon secret......hehehe. C'est seulement Lukman et Laurent qui savent de quoi je parle. Apres avoir choisi les poissons, j'ai vite appelle Laurent et je lui ai dit qu' il avait manque quelque chose, qu'il aimerait surement bien voir ca. Ensuite, j'ai aussi donne un coup de fil a ma copine, Ponie et je lui ai raconte ce que j'ai decouvert et que je regrette de ne pas l'avoir emmener avec moi. Ponie et moi, avons essaye de trouver un marche de poisson depuis que nous sommes arrive ici et beaucoup de monde nous ont dit qu'il ne fallait pas acheter de poisson en ete car c'etait trop dangereux. Mais, nous sommes au mois d'octobre maintenant et l'ete est deja passe depuis un mois. J'ai vu moi meme que les poissons etaient frais. Lalalala.....Gros becs de NDH

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

DUSSHERA : The Festival (End of Evil)

One of the big festivals celebrated in most of part of India is Dusshera. The festival is celebrated with zest and festivities as it also marks the beginning of the winter season after the long unbearable, hot summer. Dusshera marks the victory of Ram over the Demon King Ravana, and the rescue of his wife Sita. In north India, gigatic effigies of the ten-headed Ravana and his brothers are set aflame amidst bursting of crackers fairs are usually held on this occasion with lots to eat, buy and enjoy.

Dusshera means the Tenth Day, being the 10th day of the bright half of Aswin. The day is also known as Vijayadashmi, or the Victory Tenth, because of the victory Ram over Ravana.

At the same day, yesterday was the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. So, two celebrations at the same time. We went to the Red Ford to see the festival but unfortunately we weren't allowed to carry the camera and mobilephone during the celebration. At least, we saw Mrs Sonia Gandhi from very near to where we were sitting!!

2 October ; MAHATMA GANDHI - Father of the nation.
(A little refreshment about Mahatma Gandhi)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in the town of Porbander in the state of Gujarat on 2 October 1869. He studied law at University College, London. In 1891, after having been admitted to the British bar, Gandhi returned to India and attempted to establish a law practice in Bombay, with little success. He went to South Africa to work but found himself treated very shabbily and like someone of inferior race. The realization changed the face of Indian dependence and freedom struggle.

Political Awakening.

Gandhi emerged as the leader of the Indian Community, and it is in South Africa that he first coined the term SATYAGRAHA to signify his theory and practice of non-violent resistance. Gandhi returned to India in early 1915 and the next few years, he was to become involved in numerous local struggles all over the country. Gandhi became the international symbol of a free India. He lived a spiritual and ascetic life of prayer, fasting and meditation.

In 1921 the Indian National Congress, the group that spearheaded the movement for nationhood, gave Gandhi complete executive authority, with the right of the naming his own successor.

The British government again seized and imprisoned him in 1922 for the failure of the civil disobedience movement.

During the riots that followed the partition of the India, Gandhi pleaded with Hindus and Muslims to live together peacefully. Riots engulfed Calcutta, one of the largest cities in India, and the Mahatma fasted until disturbances ceased. On January 13, 1948, he undertook another successful fast in New Delhi to bring peace, but on January 30, 12 days after the termination of that fast, as he was assassinated by a fanatic Hindu.

A period of mourning was set aside in the United Nation General Assembly, and condolences to India were expressed by all countries.
Big kiss from NDH
Gros becs de NDH